I am a first time New Horizons Service Dogs puppy
raiser. I recently got “the call” – the
one where it is time to return Sienna, the puppy I’ve helped raise since she
was eight weeks old.
So, to paraphrase an old commercial, “It's 10 p.m. Do you know where your
service puppy is?” I ask this question
because this is my greatest concern – that somehow I won’t know what becomes of
the dog in whom I’ve invested so much
time, energy, love and commitment (both financial and emotional). That somehow
she will simply disappear from my life, forever..
I’ve shared my concern with the leadership at New Horizons Service Dogs. I’ve been assured that I
will know where she is – that I’ll be invited to her graduation, that I will
see first-hand her partnership with the person she will serve. Still, I have the emotions that all puppy
raisers must feel – will she be happy, healthy and loved? Will her partnership be successful? What will happen if she doesn’t make it successfully
through her advanced training? What if, what if, what if…
If you've had a puppy that was part of a prison training program,
please share your thoughts about both the successes and challenges you’ve
So, I’m posing the question – Do you know where your service
puppy is? I invite answers from service
puppy raisers from all service dog organizations. I invite input from those individuals and
families that have service dogs – both those that have active service dogs and
those that have had service dogs in the past.
What has your experience been like?
How would you advise me or other potential puppy raisers? Is the effort worth the potential for heart
My husband will be the first to say, “I told you so – I knew
you couldn’t do it.” I disagree because
I became a puppy raiser for the purpose of helping raise a dog that could make
a difference in someone else’s life. I
am still committed to that goal. I want
to hear your story, please share. I
invite you to post your story here or to contact me personally at
peggyrhoyt@gmail.com. Your response can
be anonymous. I appreciate your candor and your input.
Peggy Hoyt, puppy raiser and animal lover